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zabbix 从数据库中查看监控数据

访问量:1333 创建时间:2021-09-08
MariaDB [zabbix]> select  host,hostid  from  hosts  where  host= 'Zabbix server';
| host          | hostid |
| Zabbix server |  10084 |
MariaDB [zabbix]> select  itemid, name ,key_  from  items  where  hostid=10084 and key_= "net.if.out[ens32]";
| itemid | name                              | key_              |
|  28611 | Outgoing network traffic on ens32 | net.if.out[ens32] |
### 查询数据
select clock ,value from  history_uint   where  itemid='28611' and from_unixtime(clock)>='2021-09-07' and from_unixtime(clock)< '2021-09-09'
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